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  • Writer's pictureFrank Waters

Create your own story

It's time to get out of your comfort zone.

My father once said to me, "you can be anyone in this world that you want as long as you put your mind to it." Hearing that over and over again as a child thru adulthood provided me with a mindset of limitless imagination and persistence. I've created and participated in so many projects, careers and ideas based on this simple task of creating my own story. At one point or another my story included being a rapper, graffiti artist, BMX racer, DJ, music producer, entertainment manager, fashion designer, tv show and movie producer/director/writer, an actor, talent scout, music showcase producer, event planner, graphic/web designer, printer, videographer, photographer, commercial artist, painter, model train artist/sculpter, 3d animator, blogger, marketer, teacher, public speaker, community volunteer, activist, event planner, author, father and husband. And I'm sure I forgot a few things. Also keep in mind I wasn't an expert nor successful at all of these positions but I did them and enjoyed them all.

However, the idea here is not to focus on what i've done but just to use me as an example of the many things that i've participated in within only 44 years. I am pretty sure what my story looks like. My goal is to encourage you to think about your story and start doing things that you have procrastinated about for the last few years or months. I want to do even more in the next 44 years and maybe we can do some things together. Have no fear of rejection and failure. Those are just negative thoughts that havn't even occurred and may not ever occur. The main part of creating your story is to only do the things that you enjoy the most. Everything else including money will fall into place. It's your life and your opportunity to be whoever you would like. Take some time and think about what it is that you would like out of this lifetime and go for it nonstop and remember you don't need permission to be happy!

Name one of your most exciting things to do?
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