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  • Writer's pictureFrank Waters

Please don't waste my f***ing TIME

The time vultures are always on the hunt.

Time is a precious jewel that each human should value. However I know for fact that everyone doesn't see it the same way. For those of us that are actioneers, we understand how important every minute is and we work extremely hard to be effective with our time management. So when people waste my time by feeding me information, gossiping and telling me irrelevant stories that i'm not interested in it drives me crazy. The other thing that time vultures ( a term my wife created) do is tell you that they can do things that they know they can't do or have no interest in doing. Now I've waited and worked on this project with the assumption that you are going to do your part and at the last minute you back out or don't show up. This makes me so furious! Be honest up front and say that you are not interested any more. I cannot get that time back.

My last annoyance with time vultures is when you are at a networking event and they lock you in a corner and talk your head off. They will not give you an out to leave. There are other people that you would like to connect with but this person will not stop talking. The key here is that you or me is always trying to be courteous and not cut them off or walk away, so I try to give hints and hope that they get it. I'm always looking for signs when I speak to people to see if they've had enough or still have interest. If not, I leave and move on. I never take it personal.

Here's an example. There is one pretty powerful person in town that I would like to get to know more but every time I speak to him he doesn't have much to say, so I end the convo and keep it moving. I don't keep talking and become a pain in his ass because then he will never speak to me. Eventually when I find the right subject to speak to him about we will click. I am mindful of his time and mine. So if you are a time vulture please read the signs, pay attention to your conversation, don't interrupt people's meetings unless it is really important and only take on tasks with others that you are actually interested in doing. We appreciate it!!

Do you know any time vultures?
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