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  • Writer's pictureFrank Waters

Watch the life suckers around you

Find a way to get rid of that bad energy.

The blood sucking toxic zombies are loose and feasting on the population regularly. The question is did you know that and what do you plan to do about it? It's pretty ironic that there's been so many zombie movies and tv shows over the last few years. The idea that i'm implying is that those same scary creatures that the characters are running from to save there lives in the shows represents the same type of people that are stealing your lifeforce energy on a daily basis. They will suck you dry and not think twice about the results of their actions. My wife calls them, time vultures. They have no concept of the value of time.

My mentor and dear friend, Dr. George C. Fraser, constantly speaks of these toxic creatures and has acknowledged that they are usually the closes people to us. Some of these creatures are even sleeping on your couch. Yes, on your couch! Friends, cousins, siblings, co-workers and even parents. To be clear these are people that are constantly complaining. They are usually extremely fearful of everything and anything. They give you those negative responses when you are looking for positive feedback. They seek your time and money with no intention to pay it back. They will not help you but will complain about what you are not doing or doing wrong. Some are even known as haters or naysayers. The beautiful thing about identifying who they are is the opportunity to now get rid of them. Use your super powers and cut them out of your life. Don't worry, you can allow them back once they loose that toxic mentality. You must live your life to fullest and you shouldn't allow anyone to jeopardize that. Life can be grand if you live it effectively, so illuminate the life suckers as soon as possible and start living that amazing life today.

How many life suckers can you identify in your life right now?
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