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  • Writer's pictureFrank Waters

Facebook Birthday Madness

Is Facebook making us lazy?

It's always great to say, Happy Birthday to someone even if you don't know them which is part of my reason why I wanted to do this blog. I appreciate the fact that anyone has taken the time to type Happy Birthday to me. On the other side there are birthdays popping up daily and it can get a bit insane. If I had to buy a present for all of these folks I would be bankrupt. I remember when we use to call people and say, Happy Birthday! Now, it's a text, IM, DM, and FB post. I think technology has made us so lazy and we just don't think it's as important to speak to people personally anymore even if it is there birthday.

The nice thing about FB birthdays is that you do get a chance to say HB to people that you havn't seen in a while sometimes years. Also it reminds you of the folks that you would like to remember but don't. Now you don't have to be embarrassed that you forgot someone's day. The part that blows me away is the amount of birthday wishes a single person can get. I remember counting over 300 on my page. It was funny just to count them but I just had to know because I haven't spoken to at least half of these people all year. I also responded to everyone with a comment saying thank you when possible, which I feel is very important. It would be great to say thank you personally if a person says HB on your page. I know it can be time consuming with over 100 comments. If time permits do your best or just make that one "thank you post" for everyone. This was just my feeling on FB birthdays as I just put up a happy birthday to my wife, Shaniqua yesterday on FB. Thank you for stopping by. See you next time.

How many people do you say happy birthday to monthly on FB?
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