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  • Writer's pictureFrank Waters

I'm still in the vortex Micah!

It's great to find other people that share the same spiritual vibration as you.

Have you ever asked someone, "how are you doing?" and they've replied, same old crap or nothing new? This response must be the clearest indication that they are not in alignment with their true self. It's almost like if they asked me the same question and I give a true response that I would be bragging or putting them down because I'm in the feeling of total opposite. If you think that life sucks and nothing exciting is happening then that is what you will get. I constantly think of the best things for myself which in turn I take immediate action to create with no expectation so I'm not disappointed in any of the outcomes. Believe it or not the outcomes are always tremendously better than I could imagine.

So what is the Vortex that I'm in telling my friend Micah that i'm in? The vortex in a simple explanation is a space of vibrational alignment. This is when you are in a groove or a flow as some would say. Things are coming to you without even thinking about them. Ideas are developing, you are meeting all of the right people, opportunities are like a river and you're swimming in them. Micah is one of the few people who I know that is constantly in the vortex. Sometimes we joke about how it works and feels so unbelievable to consistently manifest ideas day after day. The game is to see how long you can stay there. My wife and I are in a daily competition to see how long each of us lasts without one another's help to be pulled back in. I encourage you to get in the vortex as soon as possible. Clear your mind, relax and only focus on what it is that you want. Don't think of anything other than that. This will allow you to begin the journey of the vortex. If I meet you, I will know if you are in it or not! See you there!

What do you want the most out of life?
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