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  • Writer's pictureFrank Waters

Loving Who You Are

I love me some me.

This is a film shooting for a documentary that I had the pleasure to be apart of. November 2018

I heard divorce court judge, Lynn Toler say to a couple on her show, "I love me some me". The phrase was so gratifying to hear because I felt the same way. When I was younger there were so many things that I did not like about myself. I also realized that there were more things that I loved about myself however, I still allowed those negative thoughts to overshadow the positive. As I became more spiritual after many many years I realized that I was perfect just the way I was and who ever disagreed was the one who had the problem. Not saying that I can't strive to be better in certain areas but if others don't offer encouragement then I had to learn to ignore them. They did not have my well being in mind.

Self esteem for some reason is such a strong component of everyone's personality. It can tear you down faster than anything. It will hinder you from any growth and strip your opportunities of life one after another. I eventually had to make peace with myself and begin to love me for who I was so I could reach my full potential. The documentary that I shot in the above photo was about parts of my life when my son and I were homeless in the city. Without the love and understanding of who I am I would not have had the courage to share that part of my life in fear of what others would think of me. Trying to be extra professional, look wealthy and cute doesn't work for long if you have to lie. The truth feels so good when you know who you are and love yourself. I've had a very challenging life but I embrace that and use it to empower others, my family and my community. Be true to yourself and appreciate yourself. Forgive yourself for those faults and pass negative experiences and begin to love yourself like never before starting right now in this moment.

What have you done to show yourself appreciation?
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