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  • Writer's pictureFrank Waters

Quality Vs. Quantity

Start focusing on the value and less on the numbers

Sunil & Zhana enjoying Zhana's first birthday (r,l)

Social media can drive you insane if you allow it. I use social media as a way to communicate and stay updated with the worlds information, connect with family and peers. However, my biggest use is marketing my businesses and organizations. While making various posts I find myself like most entrepreneurs constantly checking to see how many likes I received or if anyone left a comment. I used to feel disappointed and frustrated because I received only 3 likes for my best business post but 100 likes for a picture of my daughters. Of course I love that 100 people liked my daughters post but I also want some love for my business post as well. And I've heard this same situation from numerous peers.

I then started to research articles on social media marketing and took a few advanced Facebook and Instagram marketing courses and discovered that I should be more concerned about who is looking at my post and not how many. The who is critical because each person that likes your post or even views your post could change your life. One person mentioned in my Instagram course that he interviewed a celebrity and only received 42 views on Youtube, however one of the viewers was a ESPN reporter and used that same video for a major feature story on TV. The video was repurposed thru ESPN and then received over a hundred thousand viewers online plus TV. So, the idea is to continue to focus on the quality of your posts and aim for a selected market of valuable readers and not for thousands of any bodies. The numbers will eventually grow over time, so just remain patient and as my mentor, George C. Fraser would say, "Stay The Course!".

How long do you wait to look at your post for engagement after you hit that post button?
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